Sicoob Cocred needed a campaign to offer credit to people, mainly targeting taxes and other common expenses of the beginning of the year, such as Brazilian taxes, school registration or debt settlement.
Amidst the many opportunity campaigns that this time of the year brings to financial institutions, the challenge was to stand out from the competition and be closer to the public so as not to be just another company offering credit.
A laid-back advertising film to connect with people's daily lives. Together with the client, we chose the popular country music duo Munhoz and Mariano, who in a good-humored conversation about the pains of the public, influence the reliability in Cocred.
The campaign was active in the Ribeirão Preto, Marília and São José do Rio Preto areas and impacted thousands of people on and offline. Besides the TV commercial, there were ads in magazines, billboards and the digital campaign, which generated almost 1.5 million impressions.