string(5) "pt-BR" string(2) "en" Provi • Ideatore




Provi offers student loans to transform access to education. Students and educational institutions, as well as information producers, can benefit from the company's solutions. 


A relatively new brand in the market that needed to position itself in a relevant way for its different target groups, communicating its purpose and its products to B2B and B2C consumers. 


We developed a 360-degree strategy: we created a slogan, tagline, and key visual for the two main products and a campaign using celebrities to connect the brand with the targets. For this, we chose Vyni, a former BBB (Big Brother Brasil) participant with a history aligned with the purpose of Provi. 

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case-ideatore case-ideatore


With this strategy, we reached almost seven million people in online media and 11.6 million in offline media. We grew 340% in positive mentions on social media, increased by 1,224% in keywords ranking on Google, and brought 100,000 new visitors to the website, a 94% increase. 

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